Major announcement!
Bridge City Collective is updating its loyalty program! Members who join our text message program will earn points towards all in-store products. Join now to get texts with member only promotions!
$1 spent in store = 1 loyalty reward points
Tiers for reward point payout:
10% off after sign-up and a free lighter
100 Points: Pack of papers or lighter
150 Points: 25% off a BCC Book Club title
200 Points: Free apparel
500 Points: $10 off a cannabis purchase
750 Points: $23 off a cannabis purchase
1000 Points: $40 off a cannabis purchase
5000 Points: $250 BCC gift card
Phone numbers are required for members to apply reward points for cannabis purchases. Each rewards tier can only be redeemed by showing the text message sent by Springbig to the customer’s personal phone number.